Welcome to the HP Mobile App

Announcing the latest addition to our digital family

Now more than ever people are spending more time at home and on digital devices. Although we are physically apart we’ve taken the steps to help provide a digital bridge to our church family so that they can stay connected to the church, the members, the programs and God.


Now Available




HPtv Card to keep you on track

The the HPtv card shows you the next live stream that will be broadcasted to all our social platforms and also streamed live inside the app. The play button will appear once the stream is live and a simple tap gets you under way to watching our live stream.


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Activity Spotlight

The Activity Spotlight card gives you in-depth updates about our latest promotions, programs and overall new things happening within our HP community. With rich media, these spotlight cards keep you up-to-date on what’s new and important within our church community.



Throw away those Zoom links

No need to remember long strings of Zoom links or Meeting IDs anymore. A simple tap on the Zoom card in our App and straight into the meeting room you go.*


*For this feature to work you need Zoom to be installed on your device

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 Integrated fully with our Adventist Digital Magazine where health, entrepreneurship, prophecy and devotional articles are always at your fingertips.

Visit Here >


How’s your experience?

We want to hear what your experience has been like using our App, or even if you have suggestions or feature requests, feel free to let us know by filling out the form below.